Carmen is a licensed professional counselor from the USA, with a MA in counseling and over 12 years of experience in the field. Carmen has worked in school settings, clinical settings, and now sees clients privately either in her office or in the comfort of your home. A residents in the UAE for over 10 years now ensures that Carmen is sensitive to the needs of multiple cultures.
Clients range from preteen to adult, both male and female, families and couples.
In addition to being traditionally trained in clinical practice, Carmen implements a holistic approach to tackle the root causes of anxiety, depression, lack of self-worth, ….
She creates coping mechanisms to incorporate into your daily life using a basis of traditional and alternative therapeutic methods.
Workin with Carmen is saying you are ready to open yourself up to new life experiences and opportunities, find the root cause of what is holding you back in life, and truly thrive being your best self.