Dou La La offers fully supportive birth services for families right from the start, as well as promoting nurturing touch by teaching the art of Infant Massage. | A Doula’s purpose is to help couples have a safe, memorable, and empowering birthing experience. A Doula is a professional, trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to an expectant mother and the whole family. Whilst never giving advice or making decisions for a family, a Doula can provide evidence based information so families are able to make informed choices about their pregnancy, birth and Postnatal period. During labour, Doulas remain by a mothers side. They have the ability to provide comfort measures, natural pain-relief methods including breathing techniques, relaxation visuals, massage, and a knowledge of various helpful positions for labour | Louise has always had a passion for nursing, midwifery, health, child development and absolutely anything pregnancy or birth related! So, it was no surprise that after a fair stint in the corporate world, her underlying desire to work within a field she is truly passionate about could be suppressed no more! Louise retrained as a Birth Doula in 2017 through Nurturing Birth UK and attained the certification to practice as an Infant Massage Instructor via the International Association of Infant Massage. The importance of nurturing touch between parent and baby through infant massage is fundamental and teaches skills for life. | As a Doula, Louise promises not to advise, judge, make decisions or express opinion relating to your choices. She is committed to ensuring you are always factually informed, emotionally cared for and physically comfortable. This will help optimise your birth experience making it as satisfying as possible. She will always strive to help a woman reach her expectations and goals wherever possible, offer reassurance, encouragement, and empathy supporting both her and partner where required no matter what choice of birthing plan is in place.

From AED 10
Birth/Postnatal Doula Services and Infant Massage Instructor with Louise Atkinson
At Your Premise
Flexible Time Slots
Ages 0+ (Birth - Newborn)