What you need to know
Currently Carla has very limited availability - so for new clients please book the intake session choosing pay at delivery so she can contact you to check if timings would fit | If you are just starting with Carla, please book an intake session to begin. She will contact you for available timings within 24 hours.
Background Information
Does this sound like you?
Working from home is so challenging. You’ve been panicking because you just can’t cope with a job that needs you and kids at home that need you even more. You have so much anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Your kids are struggling to sleep, they’re suddenly very angry and you’re just so overwhelmed. So much changed overnight. You feel like you’ve failed, and you can’t even leave the house to get away for a bit.
If you are trying to help your child/teen and family deal with anger and anxiety since everything changed, you are in the right place. You haven’t failed! This is not your fault and you are not the problem. But you are a powerful part of the solution.
Carla Buck, the creator of Warrior Brain, has a degree in Psychology and a Masters degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (WA, USA) with experience working with children and parents all over the world. She has traveled to more than 85 countries and has lived and worked with families in Africa, America, Europe and the Middle East. She's here to help you live a life free from unmanageable meltdowns, persistent worries and fears and the many different ways in which they show up in your child.
For the 90 Minute session, if requested, Carla will provide a written summary for the parent after the session. Cases could be; schools requiring an assessment for certain children before they accept new students or schools requiring paperwork confirming why some students need additional support in certain areas. Sometimes this is needed for travel too.
Cancellation Policy
24 Hour Notice is required for cancellations and no refunds for single sessions will be provided.
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