Egitim Mufredatlari - Online Seminer

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Mayis 16 Persembe | 7-8 PM
All Ages
AED 100

Selected Booking Option: Seminer Ucreti = 100 AED


  • Orta-Ögretim ve Lise eğitim müfredatlarının (IB, UK, US Curriculum) karmaşık dünyasını basitçe öğrenmek
  • Çocuğunuz sınav çağına geldiginde (A-Level, IB, American) sınav sistemleri arasındaki farkları bilmek
  • Kısacası çocuğunuzun akademik yolculuğunu desteklemek için daha donanımlı olmak istiyorsanız

Bu Online seminer size gore. Kaciranlar icin 9 Mayis ta yuzyuze yapilan seminerin tekrari niteligindedir.


Buket Ayaz, Certified Educational Planner (CEP)

Buket is an experienced university guidance counsellor and higher education advocate with more than 10 years’ experience in the field. 

She started her career after participating in the Independent Educational Consultant Association’s Summer Institute, which fuelled her passion for raising awareness about higher education abroad. While working as an IEC to support students’ university applications worldwide, she started developing college readiness programmes in international schools, including developing partnerships with international universities. 

Buket has continued college counselling since moving to Dubai in 2016 and received her College Access Counselling Programme certificate from Rice University. She is particularly interested in careers counselling curriculum standardisation, including grade-specific college readiness programmes, which have seen her delivering college counsellor training workshops in the UAE. She was recently appointed as the only college counsellor from the Middle East to represent Unifrog on their advisory board.

A former Fulbright Scholar, Buket is the only AICEP “Certified Educational Planner” in Dubai. It is a mark of distinction demonstrating expanded knowledge and commitment to the college counselling profession, it assures families that they are working with a qualified professional who is committed to maintaining the highest quality of service to higher education advising.


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